Thomas J. Webster (H-index: 98, citations: 39 431; Scopus), “Nanotechnology and Radiation for Killing Cancer, Destroying Infection, and Promoting Tissue Growth: Human Clinical Trials”
Thomas J. Webster’s (Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China) degrees are in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh (B.S., 1995; USA) and in biomedical engineering from RPI (Ph.D., 2000; USA). He has served as a professor at Purdue (2000-2005), Brown (2005-2012), and Northeastern (2012-2021; serving as Chemical Engineering Department Chair from 2012 - 2019) Universities and has formed over a dozen companies who have numerous FDA approved medical products currently improving human health. He is currently helping those companies and serves as a professor at Hebei University of Technology, Saveetha University, Vellore Institute of Technology, UFPI, and others. Dr. Webster has numerous awards including: 2020, World Top 2% Scientist by Citations (PLOS); 2020, SCOPUS Highly Cited Research (Top 1% Materials Science and Mixed Fields); 2021, Clarivate Top 0.1% Most Influential Researchers (Pharmacology and Toxicology); 2022, Best Materials Science Scientist by Citations (; and is a fellow of over 8 societies.
Thomas L. Mindt (H-index: 29, citations: 2966; Scopus), “Metal-Based Radiopharmaceuticals for Theranostic Approaches in Nuclear Medicine”
Prof. Dr. Thomas L. Mindt (University of Vienna, Austria) completed a double major in Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (Switzerland) and obtained a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Brown University (USA). Upon his return to Europe, he worked as a senior assistant in Radiopharmaceutical Sciences at the ETH in Zurich (Switzerland). In 2009, he accepted a call of the University of Basel (Switzerland) as an Assistant Professor in Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry and in 2015 he was promoted to Honorary Professor. In 2016, he moved to Vienna as a co-founder of the new Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics and became Professor in Bioinorganic Radiochemistry at the University of Vienna in 2020. Professor Mindt’s research focuses on the interface of medicine and chemistry, in particular on the development of novel diagnostic (imaging) probes and therapeutics for applications in nuclear oncology. He is interested in utilizing metallic radionuclides in a theranostic approach, e.g. by developing novel methodologies for the radiolabelling of biologically active molecules to explore their potential in clinical applications. He is engaged internationally in the field of radiopharmaceutical sciences as a former long-year member of the Radiopharmacy and Scientific Program Committees of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), board member of the European Society of Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals, editorial board member of the journals Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Elsevier) and Molecules (MDPI), and reviewer for various societies, funding agencies, and peer reviewed scientific journals. Professor Mindt has authored and co-authored numerous publications, book chapters and patents.
Dejan Trbojevic (H-index: 17, citations: 2 899; Scopus), “Design of the Affordable FLASH Proton Therapy Facility with Permanent Magnets”
Dejan Trbojevic (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York) is established leader in medical gantry designs for application in ion cancer therapy. Collaborated in the development of a very successful international workshop on Hadron Cancer Therapy, with a program for both technical development and innovation for physicists combined with world experts in ion cancer treatment of patients, in Erice, Italy [from Japan, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, USA etc.]. Chief Scientist of the ion Fast Cycling Medical Synchrotron (iRCMS). Designed original fast cycling synchrotron, lead scientific efforts in the CRADA collaboration and produced the iRCMS Pre-Conceptual Design Report. Acknowledged worldwide for invention of a new method for acceleration without transition energy. Designed the new PS2 CERN accelerator by invitation [this is a possible upgrade of the “PS” (proton synchrotron) one of CERN-LHC accelerators]. Applied the same method in designing the electron ion collider lattice with zero momentum compaction in eRHIC and LHeC.
Sushil Sharma (H-index: 13, citations: 619; Scopus), “State-of-the-art modular J- PET detectors for the study of positronium decays”
Sushil Sharma (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland) is a dynamic young researcher and assistant professor in the cluster of nuclear physics departments at Jagiellonian University in Poland. He completed his PhD in 2016, in which he worked on developing quantitative methods for validating spallation models. He has proven experience in nuclear instrumentation and in various areas of nuclear physics, especially nuclear fusion and spallation reactions. He has held postdoctoral positions at several prestigious international institutes and has authored or co-authored more than 65 scientific publications, including in journals such as Science Advances and Nature Communications. His research interests center around the study of positronium atom decays and their applications in fundamental physics and medical imaging. He is currently an active member of several international collaborations, most notably the J- PET collaboration led by Pawel Moskal and the AEgIS collaboration at CERN. J- PET is a unique multiphoton detector for the study of positronium (Ps) decays and their application in medical imaging and fundamental research, while the AEgIS collaboration focuses on antimatter gravity research.